Fun facts about cheese


Cheese fact

Did you know that the milk from cows that have eaten onions is rejected for making cheese? It’s enough to make even a cow cry …


Cheese fact

Did you know that the holes in Swiss cheese are caused by bubbles formed by lactic acid bacteria? The bubbles give off a pungent smell (but in fact give the cheese its delicious flavour …)


Cheese fact

Did you know that cheese can only be called ‘old cheese’ when it has matured for 10 months? Cheese that has been maturing for less than that is extra matured, matured, young matured or young cheese.


Cheese fact

Did you know that the first milk from the cow after it has calved is full of antibodies to help increase resistance? Just like the milk from a mother’s breast.


Cheese fact

Did you know that the cheese market on Waagplein has existed since 1365? Waagplein has expanded enormously since then, so you can imagine how important the cheese trade has been for Alkmaar…


Cheese fact

Did you know that cheese is kept on wooden shelves because the wood absorbs the moisture from the sweating cheese? A dairy deodorant, perhaps?


Cheese fact

Did you know that cheese is good for your teeth? The protein and calcium in cheese help to prevent cavities in your teeth. (It’s true…even the cheese with holes.)


Cheese fact

Did you know that the recipe for genuine Gouda cheese dates from the 17th century? The recipe describes in detail the process of preparing and maturing that gives the cheeses their distinctive flavour.


Cheese fact

Did you know that 10 litres of cow’s milk are needed to produce 1 kilo of cheese? That is 100 litres of milk for 10 kilos!


Cheese fact

Did you know that most cheese is still eaten on bread in the Netherlands? This is the origin of the expression “de kaas niet van je brood laten eten”, which means “don’t let anyone else take what’s rightfully yours”.


Cheese fact

Did you know that 10 litres of cow’s milk, 9 ½ litres of goat’s milk or 6 litres of sheep’s milk are needed to produce 1 kilo of cheese? That’s a lot to ask of a cow, a goat or a sheep for a good piece of cheese …


Cheese fact

Did you know that quark is also a type of cheese? It seems more like yoghurt, but it really is cheese. Very fresh cheese to be precise, because quark does not have to mature like regular cheese.


Cheese fact

Did you know that cheese has been produced for thousands of years? In Poland they were making cheese 7,000 years ago … Talk about old cheese.


Cheese fact

Did you know that the Dutch eat an average of 17 kilos of cheese per person per year? They really do love their cheese!


Cheese fact

Did you know that the Netherlands produces more than 800 million kilos of cheese a year? Impressive, isn’t it.? As one of the biggest cheese-producing countries in the world we can still truly call ourselves a ‘cheese country’.


Cheese fact

Did you know that the world’s most expensive cheese costs € 1,000 per kilo? It is not a Dutch cheese, but Pule, a Serbian cheese made from donkey milk.


Cheese fact

Did you know that not all cheese can be described as “farmhouse cheese”? Farmhouse cheese must actually be made on a farm and be prepared with raw milk. But what you don’t know can’t hurt you.…


Cheese fact

Did you know that in 1906 there were more than 100 small cheese factories in the province of Noord-Holland? Now there are only two large factories: in Lutjewinkel and in de Beemster.


Cheese fact

Did you know that cheese is a source of vitamin A, vitamin B12, phosphate, calcium, zinc and magnesium? Cheese is therefore not just tasty, but also extremely healthy!


Cheese fact

Did you know that there are only a few surviving cheese factories in the Netherlands? The largest factories produce 100 million kilos of cheese every year.